2 Wheels: Making it Safer & Easier in Urban Areas

For the U.S., improving the safety of bicyclists in urban areas is an ongoing process. It requires vigilence by citizens, city planners and community organizations. Following European models can work, yet there can also be challenges. Learning about the clever ideas of others helps all of us to see that there really can be easier and safer solutions to increase safety and access for bicyclists in urban areas. This short video, originally produced by the Centers for Disease Control, provides pragmatic examples of urban improvements to increase bicycling and safe bicycling. I have also embedded some great example images and guides on the latest in urban bicycle planning.

Video #30 Bicycling photo


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* If you have a public health issue that you would like me to feature with interactive links, please contact me through Chamelea Productions ,include a YouTube link to the video in the comments and I will consider using it because your Public Health issues affect us all some way or another.

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