Extreme vs. Time-Tested: How Do You Roll?

Am I the only one who is over-saturated from all of the diets people are attempting to rebuild their health or to lose those extra pounds? Is it only my family? No, I fear not. Just standing in line at any Starbucks or listening to people order at a restaurant shows how we have become focused on food denial as the solution for all of our ills. We each need to find the best solutions for optimum health and this post is not meant to offend anyone but to question where we are going with our methodology. Marketing tactics are seductive and so are celebrities.

One of the reasons I love traveling to other countries is because people still allow themselves to eat and enjoy doing it! This boils down to a completely different focus on food; especially in the U.S. where we obsess on “what not to eat” rather than “what the body needs” or “the enjoyment of savoring real food” as an approach to eating and nutrition. The long term health effects of many of today’s extreme diets are yet to be determined and it is important we question the extreme way in which we have developed our relationship with food. I have a theory that the adulteration of our food, from GMO’s, overprocessing, pesticides and over-consumption, are really the larger cause of our body’s response to food rather than real food itself. This great video I am featuring is originally produced by the BBC. It is perfect for this conversation. I have embedded links to interesting articles and studies for both extreme and time-tested eating for health. You be the judge but remember that the jury is still out on those extreme diets!

Video #28  Fat vs Sugar photo

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* If you have a public health issue that you would like me to feature with interactive links, please contact me through Chamelea Productions ,include a YouTube link to the video in the comments and I will consider using it because your Public Health issues affect us all some way or another.

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